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I'm back and i need help ;)

PostPosted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 7:19 am
by Sonikku 2
It's been a year since ive given up on homebrew. Hey guys, the master is back.
Soooooo, after i promised not to homebrew anymore. I bought a new fresh PAL Wii and updated to the latest version. I;m thinking it's 4.1E i dont remember. So step by step how can i install homebrew channel with no bricking garunteed? i still remember Twilight Hack but i think it's too old now :)

PostPosted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 10:32 am
by Alex Finlay
the Twilight hack is old and i think Brent was the master hahahah.
Well, there are several guides are give you one i thinks usefull but the latest update is 4.2
can u check for me what update you on because there is a difference.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 4:06 am
by Sonikku 2
Oh yeah, brentbizzle is da master :D
Ive got SYstem Menu 4.2E but i knew how to install homebrew channel whichi is by BannerBomb and using HackMii Installer.

But i returned to homebrew because i wanted to see if there is an Action Replay app for GC Games. Is there one?

I used GCScripy to decrypt AR COdes and using the AR to Wiird converter (im trying to ar Sonic Adventure 2 Battle) so after i got my Wiird AR Codes i used them in the Code Manager and used it's ID GSNP01 soooooo. I tried running it via GeckoOS but it didnt actiate the codes. it seems that only wii codes are working. What can i do to successfully use AR Codes on Wii. Make sure the way is brick-free K?

PostPosted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 5:28 am
by Alex Finlay
did you install bootmii as boot2? random question just asking if you have full protection,
im not 100% sure on GC loading thing i havent used the converter, are ask a mate, editing DW*

PostPosted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 7:34 am
by Sonikku 2
:O Bootmii is finally released!!!!!?????
Looks like ive missed out alot. Wow, a year with no homebrew :)

I dont think ill install BootMii since TeamTwiizers say that it could cause brick which is the last thing ill want but all i really want is Action Replay codes for GC