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How about Wii/DS Brew Intigration

PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 6:38 pm
by xlegs
There is some cool stuff going on in the DS Brew as well. If we can get the Wii to broadcast DS brew through Download Play, we can make DS brew much more accessible. We can use the DS as interface and *maybe* we can wipe an authentic DS card and reformat it for brew. I don't care for keeping the Metroid Prime First Hunt demo. I want to wipe it and load brew from it. There is a lot of potential.

I am no coder, but if this collaboration can happen, great things will come. Spread the word. ;)

PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 11:23 pm
by drunkpunk
Never even thought about being able to wipe a DS card straight from the Wii. Would be a great idea if someone can pull it off. I think the Wii homebrew scene is a little young for this though, maybe in another year or two we'll start seeing some of this cross-console hombrew going on. I hope anyway. :)