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Team Twiizers and Homebrew Contributers, Great Work!!!

PostPosted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 5:12 pm
by andose88
I was just browsing the wii homebrew forum checking out all the old post before homebrew really got up to speed. Brentbizzle answering lots of questions help the noobz out with their needs. I realized how much I really love the wii homebrew scene. I also really appreciate everything that the staff of this site does and reports. I also appreciate the hard work that goes into making homebrew even possible. What I mean to say is, Thank You any and everyone that contributed to all of the useful homebrew related info, emulators, iso, roms, etc. I'm glad homebrew exists today. By the way, Does anyone know what Team Twiizers is currently working on? Any special projects or updates? I was just curious. :D :D :D

PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 9:32 am
by -Rubicante-
Yeah, homebrew is win.

...And no I don't know what Team Twiizers are getting up to at the mo.