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Rockstar Custom Tracks MP3s Without Burning!

PostPosted: Sat May 27, 2006 10:59 am
by Jelly
Tools needed:

Rockstar Custom Tracks
DAEMON Tools(or any Virtual CD Emulator with Bin/CUE Support) ... ry&catid=5
MagicISO(or any BIN/CUE Audio CD Maker)

1. Download the software needed and install.

2. Open up MagicISO and choose Audio CD Image (File>New>Audio CD Image). Once you've done that, in the window furthest to the bottom of the screen, copy over all your audio onto the blank screen furthest to the top. Once you've done that you need to save it (File>Save As) and enter a File Name.

3. Open DAEMON Tools and mount your image(Virtual CD/DVD-ROM>Device x (X: No media)>Mount image).

NOTE: You may need to set a device first! (Virtual CD/DVD-ROM>Set number of devices...>1 drive)

4. Once the Audio CD has loaded (Check in My Computer for an Audio CD (files will have .CDA extention) open up Rockstar Custom Tracks and select the necessary CD/DVD drive, select all the files (Or the ones you want to convert to Custom Tracks) and hit the highlighted PSP logo! NOTE: At this point your PSP must be plugged into the USB, with the memory card plugged in and the PSP set to USB Mode.

5. Once Rockstar Custom Tracks has finished converting close all the programs used and check out your new Custom Soundtracks!


Tutorial written by Jelly on 27/05/2006.

If you're going to use this somewhere else, atleast give me credit!

PostPosted: Sat May 27, 2006 11:15 am
by Mailas
Wow nice tut.