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how to compress and edit iso's with UMDgen

PostPosted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 6:06 am
by tbag
first off you will need the app you can get it here UMDgen v4
(click any image to see full size)

step 1. open your iso that you want to compress.
step 2. ok now that you have your i so open you can edit it if you like. in the image below i have gone to the music section on the umd and i have marked the files in red. you can delete them from there to save space with out the risk of crashing the game. you can remove the videos as well be carful that can crash the game very easily, if you do remove them take out the credits no one likes them anyway :)
step 3. now another good way to save space on a umd is to optimize the disk and remove the padding as it is just taking up space. to do this click on the tab that says UMD properties. at the bottom of this screen you will see a button that says optimize click it.
step 4. ok final step now go to the file heading and go to save and select the save type. i like cso because it is compatible with the 3.0Xoe's but you can use dax or even iso if you like but dax and cso will give you more compression. after all is saved simply load you memory stick and start playing. enjoy

PostPosted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 9:38 am
by Figz
I haven't tried this app yet but your tut makes it look pretty simple.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 12:42 pm
by george6nehme
i need help ripping tekken dark its much different

PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 12:48 pm
by FireFoxx
i got a question when compressing iso, does the compression level make a difference on how the game will be quality wise or anything?