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Final Fantasy VII on PSP Help



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Young Brewer

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Post Tue Jun 03, 2008 3:23 pm

Final Fantasy VII on PSP Help

This isn't one of those threads where I need help on putting it on my PSP but about the gameplay on my PSP.

This is about the level 4 limit breaks. I'm trying to make Barret and Tifa learn their level 4 limit breaks, but they won't learn them. I've already learned their level 3 limit breaks and got the item to learn the level 4 limit break, but the still won't accept them.

Do I need to meet other requirements besides learning their level 3 limit breaks and getting the required item? Or is this some bug in the 3.71 POPS Loader?

EDIT: Forgot to add that I successfully learned Cloud's Level 4 limit break Omnislash
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Experienced Brewer
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Post Tue Jun 03, 2008 3:28 pm

it's eather a problem with the .iso file that you have or your are forgeting to do something in the game. I dont really remeber the exact req's to get your limit's lvled but I highly doubt its a problem with the pop's loader.


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Young Brewer

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Post Tue Jun 03, 2008 3:34 pm

I got the eboots from here. If anyone has the same eboots, can you please let me know if you can learn the level 4 limit breaks or not?
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Experienced Brewer
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Post Tue Jun 03, 2008 3:38 pm

What I would do is look up all the stuff that is needed to go from 3 to 4, if you look and you have everything then you can conclude that it is eather a problem with the loader, or the eboot. After that I would get a psx emu for your comp and load the game and your save on your comp and see if it works that should tell you if its the game or the loader.


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Young Brewer

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Post Tue Jun 03, 2008 4:03 pm

Okay, thanks Will my save file work on other isos of ffvii or just his one? Also, will the bug carry on to the next iso if I load the save file from the bugged iso?
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Brew Guru
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Post Tue Jun 03, 2008 5:05 pm

It shouldn't carry over. Have you made sure that you met the requirements for reaching the next limit breaker?
Usually you have to kill x number of enemies, or use the limit breaker x number of times before it upgrades.


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Young Brewer

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Post Tue Jun 03, 2008 7:13 pm

Okay, I have another bug.

After I use Tifa's Limit Break using her ultimate weapon, the premium heart. Her attack power goes way down. Instead of doing like 5000~9000 damage, she only does 100~200. I even checked her stats and it still says atk 99.

I just found out that I'm missing a level 2 limit break but I have all of the others. Is this possible getting level 3 limit breaks while not having all of the level 2 ones?(talking about Tifa) Does anyone else have this problem?
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Young Brewer

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Post Wed Jun 04, 2008 6:04 am

Thinking back to my days of Final Fantasy VII then that thing with Tifa is exactly the same as the PS1 version, her attack damage decreases after her limit break using Premium Heart.

The limit break thing is simple.

A character has to use a limit break 8 times in order to learn the second limit break in a level but their limit level will increase after that character has successfully acquired 80 kills so it is quite easy to avoid limit breaks.

If you want to get Tifa to learn her 2nd level 2 limit break then just go back and use her 1st level 2 limit a few more times and she'll learn her next one (Meteor Strike I think(.
Sit your donkey down and drink your goddam tea.

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