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3.80 Downgrading


Sailor Star Dust

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Post Sun Jun 08, 2008 5:20 pm

Hope somebody can help me out. ^^;

Hello all I just joined today though I skimmed a few forum threads to see if I could get any help with something.

This seems like the best topic for me based on my question.

Okay so I have a PSP slim, it's firmware is 3.80. I happily brought this Image awhile back (HUGE Evangelion fan), thinking I'd be able to play it, but apparently while PSPs are Region-free for games, that's not the case for UMD movies. >_<

My main question is this: Is it possible yet for PSP silms/3.80 firmware to be downgraded or no? If so, is there a way to do so without Pandora's Battery (I don't have one and I don't have another PSP to do that certain downgrade)?

I really don't want my new PSP to become a brick, so if I'd have to get one from Japan or something, I guess I could do that too if worse comes to worse. (Any good sites to order from?)

Thanks in advance for the help!
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Post Sun Jun 08, 2008 5:27 pm time make ur own post instead..~
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Post Mon Jun 09, 2008 6:50 am

Hey Star, I'm pretty sure you can play them if you are on custom firmware. In CFW you can switch the region code of your psp so I'm sure you could watch these. In order to get on CFW you will need to use a "Pandora's Battery and Magic Memory Stick".
They are simply a modded memory stick and battery, that when you stick into the psp, you will be put on CFW. You can either buy this, or you can make it yourself. There are plenty of tutorials for it in the Tutorial section.

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Post Mon Jun 09, 2008 10:01 am

Splitdizzled huh? I oughta use that term on Evageeks (I'm a Mod on that site). :lol:

AdventWolf wrote:You can either buy this

I'd probably do that somewhere down the road (short on funds at the moment and knowing me I'd screw the PSP up).

It's good to know that downgrading is possible with 3.80 AND a slim though--I was worried that it wasn't.

What sites are recommended buying this from (I don't want to get ripped off or anything, after all). And would I need this CFW? CFW 3.90M33-3 (found here: ... P-41075646)

Thanks again!
Last edited by Sailor Star Dust on Mon Jun 09, 2008 10:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Mon Jun 09, 2008 10:04 am

Theres eBay, thats the most popular place. But theres another site just for buying the stuff, I forget what it is though. Maybe someone else knows.


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Post Mon Jun 09, 2008 10:53 am

You can get a pandora battery for 10.50 on deal extreme, and there windows apps for creating the stick.
Its free shipping from Hong Kong, but it takes about 2 weeks for it to show up. Mine came yesterday and it worked fine
2.50 PSP<3.50<3.95<<<<3.90m33<4.01 m33<5.00 m33
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Post Mon Jun 09, 2008 11:08 am

Well technically you don't "downgrade" a psp slim, you simply Install CFW

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Post Sat Jul 05, 2008 4:37 pm

Hello. :)

So I installed CFW and now I know I have to get into recovery mode but I think my timing's off with that.

It's holding down the R Trigger, then turning on the power switch, right?

I think I'm holding down for too long length-wise. ^^;

Could somebody please tell me what to do exactly? Thanks!

The Magic Memory stick and Pandory battery don't need to be in the PSP when you do that, correct?
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Post Sat Jul 05, 2008 4:40 pm

Press R while you're turning it on, and keep it held till the Recmenu shows.
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Post Sat Jul 05, 2008 4:47 pm

Got it. ^_^


EDIT: Okay, so I set the region code to Japan and enabled the free region but still nothing.... Guess I'll try something else with this (leaving it the American region but playing any region).

EDIT (True)2: It has something about UMD Mode in here...I'm wondering if I need to change that, too...Which option though?

Okay, just to make things clear what I have setup atm (though it's nothing playing my UMDs :( ):

UMD Mode (currently Normal -UMD required- )

Fake Region (currently: Japan)

Free UMD Region (currently: Enabled)

...Sigh, getting that "region code is incorrect" error is starting to get annoying. >_<
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Post Sat Jul 05, 2008 5:31 pm

UMD mode is for ISOs. M33 driver makes it so u can play ISOs without a disk.

Fake region is more for updates i think. Such as setting this settiong to european it will let u have a new app...i dont remember what its called tho.

Free UMD is for any game u want
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Post Sat Jul 05, 2008 5:41 pm

Yeah there are different Apps for the Japanese and European settings.

It just sucks how I still can't play Region 2 UMD Videos though. >_<

...So I guess I would just be stuck getting a Japanese PSP then? This sucks, I thought that installing that firmware would make Region 2 UMD videos watchable, but I guess not unless there's something I'm doing wrong that I didn't know about.

(On the plus side, at least Play Asia is selling Japanese PSPs.)
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Post Mon Jul 07, 2008 9:50 am

Yeah, so if anybody has some other suggestions on what I else I can try now that I have CFW installed, just let me know please.
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Post Mon Jul 07, 2008 10:07 am

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