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CPU help!!!!!!any knowledge about cpu building



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Post Fri Jul 18, 2008 4:26 am

CPU help!!!!!!any knowledge about cpu building

alright here the scoop...i have a laptop(acer aspire 3630) and felt it was time for a i went to the store and the guy says he can do a cpu with:
AMD sempron (64bit)
2 GHz Ram
DVD burner
cpu case
so i was thinkin is there anything i shud add to make it better(rungame like "call of duty 4" and rainbow 6 vegas....
any suggestions on a sick video card to install and price
any cpu comprehension will do!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Post Fri Jul 18, 2008 6:55 am

Re: CPU help!!!!!!any knowledge about cpu building

lyndonm33 wrote:alright heres the scoop...i have a laptop(acer aspire 3630) and felt it was time for a i went to the store and the guy says he can do a computer with:
AMD sempron (64bit)
2 Gigs Ram
DVD burner
Computer case
so i was thinking is there anything i should add to make it better(run games like "call of duty 4" and rainbow 6 vegas....)
any suggestions on a sick video card to install and price
any computer comprehension will do!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah that should be able to run R6V, but if you want to run CoD4 get a decent video card, nvidea is the way to go if you have the cash.
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Post Fri Jul 18, 2008 7:51 am

For $650? That's garbage bruh. We don't know whether it will run anything though until you tell us the video specifications. What is the specs on the processor? And like 1/-0 said, get a geforce video card. If you want to run CoD4, then my 8400GS runs it fine at medium-high settings without any skip. But if you want to get something real nice then buy a 8800GT ;) That's about as far as my knowledge in video goes other then most of the time you pay for what you get. Also what kind of motherboard will be in it?

I built this one for $380 w/ parts from newegg:
Motherboard: Biostar TA770 A2+
Proc: AMD Athlon 64 X2 2.3Ghz (OC'd to 2.5)
Ram: 2GB of OCZ Platinum
Video: ECS Geforce 8400GS
HD: 250GB Barracuda SATA
Case: Logisys Area 51 Silver
With another 200GB WD IDE HD, and a 16x DVD burner IDE
And finally Vista Ultimate (yep)

So yea. Even with labor costs, $650 is pretty high for what your getting.
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Post Fri Jul 18, 2008 7:12 pm


man u guys are i jus wnt to put together sick computer for speed...and gaming...1-/0 ur cpu sounds great at a good i might copy what u got and tell the maker of my cpu to make that one....buh might pay 400$(cuz i live in australia..perth) yea
and andder quickie....i have broadband yea.and lik im getting like 8kbps max on torrents wid 30 is that not regular or not. i pay for 10GB download limitt soo..whats wrong(im using a laptop and if i get this desktop will it run faster//and thanks for the comments
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