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PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 1:54 pm
by bo_sfbdura77
:D Thanks guys for finding the time of reading and helping me out. Sorry, so late that I only checked here just now. I already got the nester J, snes, dgen, and the sms. On the roms, i had to compress them into RAR ZIP files so, i have more space on my memory stick. (Darn, I had to figure all this by myself b4. Cuz other people just give me short answers, and i'm like.....what?) Anywho, even if you compress them, they all still work and is still executable.

My next goal is trying to find the latest and best emulator for running psone, neo geo, and neo cd. Can somebody help me for more info on that? tnx! :) Don't worry about the roms, i know where I can get them. I heard you can't post it here. So, keep it to yourself right? heehee

After I get those, I wanna start changing my icons and background themes with flashy stuff. (Hopefully, without flashing your psp) and I wanna find a site if i can order that tiny device, for GPS-ing your area. Heard it's from UK? like 60 bux? (Trying to be careful of what im saying, so DarkPacman77 won't get mad at me again.)

I wanna pimp my psp from time after time. If someone can give me step by step tuts. I highly-deeply-sincerely-appeciate it!! Thanks bros!

- Bo

PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 2:25 pm
by staxx
Have you completed your downgrading/upgrading tasks yet? You'll need to do that to be able to use all this stuff.

As for the psx emulator, you dont need one because it is built into the firmware. I cant speak on those other emulators though since i havent personally looked for them or tried them but maybe one of the other members can be of assistance. You can't run your roms as .zip or .rar though because the emulator is built to read certain file extensions.

As for icons, backgrounds and other customization...You'll have to flash this stuff. At most it will semi-brick your psp unless of course you delete files by mistake then your psp will be fully bricked. But this kind of mishap can be taken care of by copying a file instead of deleting a file to replace it. Semi-bricks can be recovered so your safe there.

PostPosted: Sat May 05, 2007 6:02 pm
by DarkPacMan77
PM me for help.


PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2007 3:34 pm
by bo_sfbdura77
Thanks guys!!! Graduated! (DarkPacman, sorry bro!) won't happen again.