Post Sat Jun 07, 2008 5:19 pm

NeoGeoPocket Color Help

It's that time again, time to replace the secondary battery in my Neo Geo Pocket and I need some help. The spot where you pop open the case for the second battery looks like thisImage
I can't get the back panel off, I've tried an assortment of coins and even a butter knife. Any suggestions?
The plastic might have gone soft, when I ever I try to turn, it slips and I strip away some plastic.

Also does anyone know where I can get some NGPC games cheap? Or if it's possible to use it to load roms of NGPC games onto the NGPC?
(Also kinda wrong section, but hey its the help section :D)
2.50 PSP<3.50<3.95<<<<3.90m33<4.01 m33<5.00 m33
Killzone Liberation name:Babamthegrunt add me
I'll rape you with my helpfullness
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