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Help installing gpsPhone



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Post Wed Aug 13, 2008 12:53 pm

Help installing gpsPhone

I've been trying to install gpsPhone onto my 2.0.1 iPhone from Installer, but it keeps saying "unable to decode package". Then people say to get it from Cydia, but the app isn't there for me to download. Can someone give me detailed instructions on how to get it?p
Zombie + Fire = X3 XD
"If I was stuck on an island with only 3 things of my choice, it would be a fishing pole for fishing, a flare gun, and a survival knife. Or, I could just get a boat with some know, for fishing.......yeah......."
-My friend Ryan.


Brew Guru
Brew Guru

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Post Thu Aug 14, 2008 10:11 am

Post this on Macbrew please.

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