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Keep/Rplce Gameboot whilst changing CTF's

PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 12:09 pm
by Th0m4svu
Man o' Man I've been trying all night. Theres no freaking way for me to keep my gameboot when i change'd to this theme. Here's All the info I'll release on it!

MS0 +cxmb

I've replaced the gameboot.pmf but the gameboot doesn't change, so I was spending all night looking for the file in charge of gameboots so i can change it to have the source of ms0:\vsh\resource\gameboot.pmf

i also have a feeling that there is a difference between CTF and PTF file extensions for the gameboots. >=[ grr. but i'm not sure. anywho. i hope someone can help me out, if there is anymore info you need from me i'll be happy to give it out.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 9:01 pm
by staxx
Which firmware are you using?

Havent touched my psp in over a year now, but i know back when i was using 3.52 m33 firmware all i did was manually input the gameboot.pmf in the flash0 by enabling my flash0 via usb in recovery.

Shouldnt be a problem with the newer firmwares but you might want to google it just to double check or see if anyone else from the forums can give you a 2nd verification that this works.

If you absolutely must have it enabled from your memory stick then you might want to try messaging roxfox to see if he knows how to do it.