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PSP (Want to custom) Beginner. PLEASE HELP ME! God Bless!!

PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 2:36 pm
by bo_sfbdura77
Hello! I'm from Las Vegas. And I'm in a local band, working every night. and during breaks I like to play my psp. And since I found out through 'Youtube", heard you can customize psp's. I've been researching how to do it for about almost a whole week. heehee until now, i haven't got started yet. (Because, I know you only have one chance to do it or else it'll get bricked) just..oooone...mistake. So, I would like to ask a pro from your team to teach me, step by step in how to get started.

I know it's bad to get jealous in watching other people's psp customized and im like........I want my psp to be like that! lol I'm like a baby. Any who, my psp's firmware right now is 2.81

On the side of the box, when i bought my psp, is: "PSP-1001 'K' " I got a usb cable already. Just sitting on my pc desk. and hahah collecting dust. Is there a way I can get started?

Questions: my Firmware is 2.81 right now. is there a way I can get Nester J for NES and SNES9x for SNES? How bout turbo grafix and sega genisis?

I want all that in my psp. And can I install Devhook in it too? heehe all that in my psp? without bricking my psp?

The Reason why I want these games in my psp cuz i grew up with all those games. An i've almost beaten all of those games b4. Been playing video games since I was 6 or 7 since atari came out. I'm 29 now turning the big '30'.

I would 'GREATLY' appreciate it if you or somebody can have a patience with me to teach me how to get started. I watch some tutorials and they're tooooooo fast in the PC, clicking here and there and is usually blurry for me to see what they're doing. I have Nester J 1.0 and 1.5 and about a thousand some of NES ROMS zipped and saved in my computer have no idea how to transfer all that in my psp. My psp's memory stick is at 1G right now. Please please please heeelp me?

Thank you very much for your time and patience in reading my simple letter!! Take care and god bless!! (We only have on life to live) That's why I wanna experience all this.

Oh, one last question, sorry, umm...IF I have all this in my psp, Will I still be able to play UMDs still? Or...what are the drawbacks? heehe I also dont have a software installed in my PC to convert or patch the files to transfer to my psp. Yes, I've seen some eboot.pbp file saved here. What shall I do with them? (sigh) streeeesssssffful!!!

Thank you sirs!


P.S. Please send me anything, anything in terms of what I should do. response e-mail or links, or whatever. Anything will help. As long as it's not too fast for me to miscomprehend. sorry!! I'm stupid. tnx!

PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 7:50 pm
by danjo33
greetings mate
first off you need a USB cord to plug into your psp from your computer.

open it up from
and drop the UN ZIPPED rom files...make sure its unzipped
then play it from the psp mem stick

idk if that helped, but check out the tutorial section,

and welcome to pspbrew.
i am not anyone special, but if you need more help ask darkpacman77 or mailas g or supashay, all smart people.

EDIT- move this to the help section

PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 8:09 pm
by Slick
the title of this section needs to be changed now, since it says "Help" in it.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 8:11 pm
by danjo33
oh never noticed that lol
it could be meaning game help?
not sure
but it would be confusing to anyone new

PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 9:00 pm
by Supashay91
Ok lets just slow down on the emulation.

You said you were 2.81?

Do you Have Grand Theft Auto Liberty City Stories (the UMD with the 2.00 Update on it)?

PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 6:52 am
by Mailas
Wrong forum, post in help next time.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 3:12 pm
by Slick
Mailas G wrote:Wrong forum, post in help next time.

it said "Help" next to "Game Chat", so I'm sure thats where it got him

PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 6:10 pm
by DarkPacMan77
^ something I convinced .Vault to change LONG ago - only he never got around to it HAHAHAHA. It's ok though. I expect to see a few more forum changes here soon.


PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 7:18 pm
by Mailas
Game Chat/Help has to do with help on games, this is the general help section.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 4:23 am
by DarkPacMan77
Yes that's true but it confuses people and makes more work for mods. I think one of these two should be done.

1. edit the "help" part out of the Game chat/ Help
2. edit the "description" of the game chat/ help section to say "Get help for games here or just chat about them" - or something along those lines.


PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 6:34 am
by Mailas
First one seems better.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 7:14 am
by DarkPacMan77
That's what I think as well.


PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 3:41 pm
by staxx
Alright Bo...

First off since your at version 2.81 you will need to upgrade to 3.03
you can find that here

Then you'll need to purchase or rent an unpatched copy of GTA:Liberty city stories to allow yourself to downgrade.
copyright 2005 = unpatched
copyright 2006 = patched
Double check the game update as well to make sure it says update ver 2.00

Once you have an unpatched copy of GTA:LCS you may use this tutorial to downgrade to 1.50.

Once you have successfully completed your downgrade, you can use this to get to 3.03 oe-c.

Then once your at 3.03 oe-c all you have to do is load your nesterJ emulator to your GAME150 folder, and put all your roms inside your nesterJ's rom folder.

The process seems long...but it probably takes about 30-40 minutes max.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 5:49 pm
by k9
I did sum thin just like that it works, trust me and u wont brick your psp if u follow the guides.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 1:54 pm
by bo_sfbdura77
:D Thanks guys for finding the time of reading and helping me out. Sorry, so late that I only checked here just now. I already got the nester J, snes, dgen, and the sms. On the roms, i had to compress them into RAR ZIP files so, i have more space on my memory stick. (Darn, I had to figure all this by myself b4. Cuz other people just give me short answers, and i'm like.....what?) Anywho, even if you compress them, they all still work and is still executable.

My next goal is trying to find the latest and best emulator for running psone, neo geo, and neo cd. Can somebody help me for more info on that? tnx! :) Don't worry about the roms, i know where I can get them. I heard you can't post it here. So, keep it to yourself right? heehee

After I get those, I wanna start changing my icons and background themes with flashy stuff. (Hopefully, without flashing your psp) and I wanna find a site if i can order that tiny device, for GPS-ing your area. Heard it's from UK? like 60 bux? (Trying to be careful of what im saying, so DarkPacman77 won't get mad at me again.)

I wanna pimp my psp from time after time. If someone can give me step by step tuts. I highly-deeply-sincerely-appeciate it!! Thanks bros!

- Bo