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Official Religion Debate Thread

What faith do you practice, or would most closely associate your beliefs with?

Agnosticism / Atheism
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I'm not sure
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Post Tue Apr 01, 2008 3:23 pm

AdventWolf wrote:Christians suffer the most persecution in the world out of all the religions

I do not think this is true especially after September 11,2001.

I think this perception comes from the fact that some people are a bit persistent and enthusiastic in spreading the gospel and this of course creates conflict. Think about The Crusades or The Spanish Inquest or how about more recently, The Jehovah's Witnesses and their reputation resulting from their missionary work on Saturday mornings.

I think if the gospel did not instruct its followers to "spread the word" there would be a lot less bad blood against Christians. Of course if word never spread, then perhaps Christianity would have died off completely 1700 years ago instead of giving rise to the Catholic religion.

Forgive me, but I am basically saying that historically speaking, Christians brought it on themselves.


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Post Tue Apr 01, 2008 3:41 pm

Thats fine, but that was then this is now. Christians aren't all out harassing people now, they are just living their lives. But yea, the Bible does tell us to spread the message, but that doesn't necessarily go out on the weekend and harass people and bug them. It simply means that if you nkow someone or have a friend that really needs God, then you can help them out. You shouldn't yell at public crowds, you don't even know them.


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Post Tue Apr 01, 2008 3:58 pm

AdventWolf wrote:Christians aren't all out harassing people now

You don't live in "The South" do you?


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Post Tue Apr 01, 2008 4:08 pm

thx for the link sega also, I live in florida and i know 8 people who r neo nazi's also what i said about the bible being biased is true but i still believe in it, also also
the most persecuted religon is definitely Judaisms... that what the terrorists are going after as well as christians ( no im not comparing terrorists to christians) the fact is we should be tolerant and read a bit of all religous text to further our knowledge and to realize the singular truth that is ..... if you do good you will be rewarded either now or later and if you do bad things then bad things will happen either in life or death.

ps. i dony actually hang out with neo nazi's i just can tell they are because of the swastikas carved into there arms


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Post Tue Apr 01, 2008 4:12 pm

I do live in the south, and "true" Christians shouldn't harass people. Maybe some do, but even we refer to them as bible beaters. Sorta people that force Christianity against others. Now that I don't think is cool. But there are plenty of people that harass other people about their beliefs, not just some Christians. That's the bad part about religion, people like to nit pick out the bad parts, and not represent the good parts. I think he is right when he says "Christians aren't [shouldn't be] all out harassing people now". If anyone is harassing others, it would be Jehovah's witnesses, or the religion down the street that complains to walmart because they are selling Christmas trees. I mean it's a flippin Christmas tree, what else is it used for? You don't see me complaining about selling those candle things, whatever they are called. Now that is pretty screwed up if you ask me, it seems all the retail stores have to conform to any other religion other then Christianity, just because "it hurts someones feelings". If they don't like it then I say don't look at it. Just my 25 cents.
It's not the religion that causes wars, it's the men who use religion as a means to control people that do.
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Post Tue Apr 01, 2008 4:18 pm

ace_012 wrote:You don't see me complaining about selling those candle things, whatever they are called.

It is called a Menorah, used for observing Hanukkah in the Jewish faith.


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Post Tue Apr 01, 2008 5:05 pm

MENORAH!! Thank you. I couldn't think of the name to save my life, but like I was saying I don't complain about stores selling Menorahs, or anything other religious symbol that is not related to Christianity.
It's not the religion that causes wars, it's the men who use religion as a means to control people that do.
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Post Tue Apr 01, 2008 5:09 pm

Well if freedom of religion is an accepted doctrine so too should be tolerance.

However I do not think it is fair to force people of varying faiths to observe the holidays and customs of other religions or beliefs against their will.

On a side note, I think it is funny how freedom of speech and religion precedes the right to bear arms.


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Post Tue Apr 01, 2008 5:16 pm

Man i barely find true christains you actually follow the word of the bible, its so funny, most dont even listen.
but anyway, so the bible talks about the one world government, now come on ANYONE can guess that, i mean it almost happened before jesus was born(Rome, Alexander, Persia, ect) and after he died, (WW1, WW2, Holy Roman Empire, Ottoman Empire, Mongols, ect...) So looking back, we can tell. Ok, now you say Babylon was rebuilt, but like every city gets rebuilt after its destroyed lol.
Duh Solomons Temple would be rebuilt, its a Muslim crazy house there is no way they wouldnt rebuild it.

Wow will barcodes have 666, along with 1,2,3,4,5,,7,8,9,, and all barcodes are different anyway... and just because the barcode is like 425(6)243(6)97(6) doesnt make it the devil lol.

Now you guys say we dont need proof, so in todays society everyone mocks people who talk without proof to back it up. I mean are you saying we dont have to prove things? Thats in MY OPINION just about the stupidest thing.
Now when you cant prove something to be true, it means its not, so all you that say "prove god isnt real" or "prove jesus didnt exist", well we dont need to, because when you cant prove they did, than that means they didnt, very simple concept.

Now we know Pluto exist because we can see the light bouncing off it showing that its made of matter. Something that doesnt exist, than you cant see, also pluto have been PROVEN to exist so that was a horrible argument lol

now i have a question to all Christian.
Why dont you believe in zeus, he has books and sent his only child on earth
Why arent you muslim, jewish, Baptist, Catholic.
I mean if only one god exists, why is there more then 50 religions in this world?
Why didnt jesus come in 3000 B.C.? or even before?

Is this not evil?

And another video, THIS IS VERYYYYYYYY FUNNY, and if your a christian and you dont know this man than i guess your not christian because i even know him he is famous
lol isnt this funny, i mean even if you are christian you have ti admit its funny.
I would love a explanation on how Coconuts prove god exists lol


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Post Tue Apr 01, 2008 5:40 pm

I like where you are going I just do not like how you go about it Farq.

Please choose your words a bit more carefully and if you can edit your last post before someone (not me) gets upset and has this thread shut down like last time. :wink:

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Post Tue Apr 01, 2008 6:15 pm

I don't think he posted in an inappropriate fashion. He didn't flame anyone personally. Don't make empty threats.
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Post Tue Apr 01, 2008 6:25 pm

I sincerely hope everyone else that reads the post and follows the links agrees with you.


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Post Tue Apr 01, 2008 6:26 pm

que13x wrote:
AdventWolf wrote:Christians aren't all out harassing people now

You don't live in "The South" do you?

As a matter of fact I do, but I've never seen any 'true' christians or any christian people yelling at people. Maybe They were Catholic.


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Post Tue Apr 01, 2008 6:31 pm

8-bit_ninja wrote:Just remembered, a while back I heard it was decided that 616 was actually the evil number. It adds up to 13 (6+6+1=13), the unlucky number aswell. Guess what my area code is....

You son of a... THAT USED TO BE MYYYYY AREA CODE!!!!!!!!! AND I WAS HAPPY WITH IT!!!!!!!! Then they split the area code and let you guys keep 616 while we got 269.... what a f**king ripoff...

@ ace ~ Pluto exists because I've seen it, and no, I'm not the only one that has. I'll leave you to debate with NASA on that one. While you're at it, ask them where God is.

@ advent ~ You interpret the scriptures well, but you've only made one interpretation. You see, the same interpretations have been made over and over and over again, and then the time comes, and nothing happens, and new interpretations are made based off of the same old stuff. There's hundreds of prime examples, but one off the top of my head is that Nostradamus predicted that there would be a man born on the German border and rise Germany to higher power and (through varying texts) also makes reference to WHO they are. He predicted "Hister" - we knew the man as "Hitler". Many people interpreted this as the coming of the Antichrist - surely, killing 6,000,000 Jews would surmise what many would believe to be the closest thing to an "Antichrist" as we've ever had. I'm going to add a text that I found about Nostradamus' prediction in the bottom of this thread.

My point though is that he didn't bring an apocalypse. Those interpretations were wrong, and new ones have been made. With time, new interpretations will fall short yet again, and new ones made.

Here is the reference of text I found really quick on google. There are far better references to Nostradamus' predictions, of course, but this is primarily his words. Also, the citations are NOT his words, but only help prove how accurate he was.

In the most easterly region of western Europe, a child will be born to poor parents [Hitler's parents were indeed poor, born in Austro-Bavarians frontier]. He will seduce great crowds wit his oratory and will [commonly characterized as the greatest orator in history] make much more noise about the eastern power - USSR [Hitler's greatest adversary]. A new sect of philosophers despising death, gold, honors and wealth will be born on the German borders and those who follow them will have support and audience [Hitler's founding party held these very beliefs and sought to deliver the German people from their sorrows]. Under the saintly appearance of delivering people from servitude he will himself usurp the people's power and the town. He will wreak the worst by trickery with the aid of a new republic, using as text in the struggle the false ideas of the first part of his book [Mein Kampf, Volume 1]. Many will die before the Phoenix dies [millions of Jews perished]. After fifty-five years ten months he will find his last home, when the years 1915, 1921, and 1939 have passed [Hitler born April 1889, died March 1945 at 55 years 10 months] in 1945. In 1915 he will succumb to illness [as a Corporal he was twice wounded in 1915], in 1921 he will have an armed force dangerous to his life [1921, the most successful year of Hitler's new party]; 1939 will be subject to a rain of fire [Hitler's siege began in 1934 and ended in 1945]. The new Nero will hurl into three ovens [Auschwitz, Dachau, and Birkenau where over 11 million Jews perished] young people to burn them alive. Happy they who are far from such acts. Three of his blood Germans will spy on him to kill him [Goerdeler, Leipzig, and General Beck attempted a assassination by bomb that failed]. The new German empire will be in desolation and undergo changed because of the North [USSR, key in the defeat of Germany]. There will be great numbers of condemned person when the heads of state are reconciled [Nuremberg Trials]. But one of them will make sure any difficulties that those who waged war together will not be allies [USSR and USA, allies in wars, starkest enemies in the end].

D3ViLsAdvocate wrote:Try shaking the salt harder onto your tongue.


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Post Tue Apr 01, 2008 6:44 pm

farquezy wrote:but anyway, so the bible talks about the one world government, now come on ANYONE can guess that, i mean it almost happened before jesus was born(Rome, Alexander, Persia, ect) and after he died, (WW1, WW2, Holy Roman Empire, Ottoman Empire, Mongols, ect...) So looking back, we can tell. Ok, now you say Babylon was rebuilt, but like every city gets rebuilt after its destroyed lol.
Duh Solomons Temple would be rebuilt, its a Muslim crazy house there is no way they wouldnt rebuild it.

You would only think of it because it seems like such a huge idea, but back then it wasn't. This idea was made back in the Old testament, I don't think Rome was a leading power during the Old Testament, they came in the New. Every city isn't always rebuilt, by why rebuild Babylon, it is in the middle of no where. Solomon's temple is a sacred Jewish Temple.

farquezy wrote:Wow will barcodes have 666, along with 1,2,3,4,5,,7,8,9,, and all barcodes are different anyway... and just because the barcode is like 425(6)243(6)97(6) doesnt make it the devil lol.

You misunderstood me and don't clearly know about the 666 thing I guess. The 666 isn't bad in itself, it is just the sign of the Mark of The Beast. Barcodes aren't the devil, but it holds the sign that it foretold in Revelations. They are in microchips but if you get chipped, your not automatically 'satan's follower. It's only when HE is in power and you use the chip because that means your surrender yourself to his will.

farquezy wrote:Now you guys say we dont need proof, so in todays society everyone mocks people who talk without proof to back it up. I mean are you saying we dont have to prove things? Thats in MY OPINION just about the stupidest thing.
Now when you cant prove something to be true, it means its not, so all you that say "prove god isnt real" or "prove jesus didnt exist", well we dont need to, because when you cant prove they did, than that means they didnt, very simple concept.

I know you said you believe Jesus existed. It is without question he didn't exist.

farquezy wrote:now i have a question to all Christian.
Why dont you believe in zeus, he has books and sent his only child on earth
Why arent you muslim, jewish, Baptist, Catholic.
I mean if only one god exists, why is there more then 50 religions in this world?
Why didnt jesus come in 3000 B.C.? or even before?

Lol Jesus didn't come at 3000 B.C because BC is referred to as 'Before Christ' So he couldn't come in 3000 BC because that is 3000 years before his time lol. I guess that is another thing, why is the time line based on BC and AD? Perhaps they recorded when Jesus died or something.
Christian = Baptist, Mormon, Lutheran, Nondenominational, Presbyterian, and Catholic, maybe more. I myself and Nondenominational.

I don't believe in Zeus's as an almighty god, perhaps he was one of God's warriors or something, but it never says it in the Bible or in Zeus's mythology I'm guessing. But Zeus's books don't speak of truth and prophecies. Is there historical proof of Hercules or any of that?

Religions are made to deceive. Muhammad made the Islam religion out of no where in the desert for no apparent reason. Well if I recall, it was a strategic move to lead people out of some city, Mecca? so he could take it over from someone or something.

@DPM do you actually feel nothing from any of those points I made. I mean come on, those are several things that where made back in the BCs by people that supposedly believed in a God. They accurately portrayed all of these things and more and your telling me you don't think they are much? I mean thats just weird, I throw all that out there are the people that are debating against God act like it is nothing, but those 15? things are all coming true, that is crazy.

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