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Evolution vs Creation



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Post Tue Jul 10, 2007 6:43 pm

your right . its just a little annoyed they nothing big come out for the psp.

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Post Tue Jul 10, 2007 6:46 pm

let keep this on topic guys, I don't want this to get locked.


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Post Sat Jul 14, 2007 3:44 am

one is true and the other is false thats the bottom line and you can say well i believe in this and this that creation and evolution worked together the answer is no obviously you haven't read the bible and you obviously have no idea about how the theroy of evolution works

and evolution is real google darwin focus on his finches *birds*

my problem with creation is why the hell are there so many religions? if said God is absolute why is there islam and jehova's witness, mormoms, lutheraneas, baptist, catholics? i mean i'm glad God is such a great guy for making me and all that but why are there 6+ ways to "worship" you??? if i was God i'd clear things up and send down another messiah i mean make it dramatic light, angels, trumpets, hey anything to clear up this mess and just tell the masses "look a**holes I'm God alright I made all of you now quit crying and worship me"

and then oh how people claim to do it in the name of God I think the crusades was one of these i'm not sure
and please don't let me forget the catholic's hand in the middle ages

and if Jesus was your son why do people not believe you??? only about 2 religions there

science is great and all but why are we the way we are??? why are there humans and crabs and whales and such why are we the way we are??? why is it that water is hydrogen and oxygen and not carbon and neon??? and why exactly do we have DNA instead of something else that makes the mammal or fish or whatever

what if we are all wrong about this??? how bout that can't stand the fact that we aren't as great as we are or there is nothing to look to at the end of your crappy tunnel???


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Post Sat Jul 14, 2007 7:42 am

Well you know from the bible, the reason there are 6+ different religions is because we have free will. That's the answer to most of your questions anyways. And your wrong, there isn't that many ways to worship God. But the reason why there are so many is because we have free will to choose what we want to believe. And it just so happenly that a few people throughout history decided they didn't want to believe in God and started making up religions form there minds, or what they believed instead of what was happening around them. Why do people not believe Jesus is the messiah? Well because they didn't want to. Because he didn't fly in with angels and such, and were suppressed by higher authorities such as the king or w/e into believing what the king believed. And the reason why we are? Well because God made us that way, would you rather have like 5 balls or something? A lot of it has to do with when Adam and Eve ate that frickin fruit, and God put all tha curses on human from then on. And if we are wrong, then O well. I look at it this way, If I'm right then I get to go to heaven and live there for eternity, or if I'm wrong then I guess I will just die and turn into dirt. Either way I'm glad the way I lived my life, and If I was right but instead didn't do what the bible said, then I would go to hell, which I don't wanna do lol. So yea. I would rather live my life this way then go to hell. But that's my imo and the first part is the what the bible says so yea.
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Post Sat Jul 14, 2007 12:24 pm

im going with evolution, creation makes no sence..and things that make no sence or cant be possible with math, science, bioligy, physics or other stuff like that i dont believe in..exept for maby 2 things but thats only becuz iv been through too much


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Post Sat Jul 14, 2007 2:10 pm

Alright Akira, If I told you there were a billion stars in the universe, would you believe me? Or if I said there was a trillion stars in the universe would you believe me? If you would, then what you just said would be false. I'm sure at least a good amount of people who would agree, even though it hasn't been proven yet. It could be proven, just as much as creation could be proven somehow in the future. Currently, a person cannot prove neither. Also, I still don't understand how evolution can be proven. Even though we have similar DNA to a primate, our DNA aren't completely identical. If we evolved from say, a monkey, how come there are still monkeys? Wouldn't there be no more monkeys if humans evolved from monkeys? Wouldn't the whole "Survival of the fittest" thing come into play? If we really evolved from monkeys, wouldn't the actual ones that started evolving kill off the insuperior ones? Creation makes a lot more sense to me then evolution because there is more proof to me of creation then evolution. Jesus was a real man and there were over 500 people that saw him when he rose after the 3rd day of his crucification. Yet there is no real evidence that evolution is real, that I know of. The only thing I can see proof of evolution is "similar" things. Such as we have "similar" DNA to a primate but we don't have the same DNA. So how can you say Creation can't be proven yet evolution can? Evolution was based off theory's in the begining anyways.
It's not the religion that causes wars, it's the men who use religion as a means to control people that do.
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Post Sat Jul 14, 2007 2:27 pm

do u believe in aleins?
with all those stars there must be some other life out there, and how did all that happen? hmm
i see wat ur getting at, and it makes sence, its all in personal opinion i guess.

i guess all in all i believe in a little bit of both in a wierd way.

and ppl hav found evidence to support both theories i guess.


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Post Sat Jul 14, 2007 8:50 pm

ok sorry ace. but before jesus there was still religion. far before in fact. ever notice that catholicism and Christianity both involve christmas trees? or that jesus bday is right around the solstice? frankly id sooner be a pagan religion because it isnt TOTALLY sexist. women ate the apple, women arent good enough to be mentioned in the bible unless they are whores, women must be punished for original sin, women on bottom is the PROPER way to have sex. they are both so oppressive. why should everything thats human nature be a sin? as for what you said about there still being primates even though they evolved into humans... thats because evolution isnt a straight line. its a tree. think about it it even explains why we have different RACES. the apes survived because they evolved in a different direction and not all creatures are violent and want to kill off the lesser ones. im a gypsy. we were kicked out of the jesus circle. in wicca there is one rule. do as you please as long as it harms no one and all you do will come back three fold


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Post Thu Jul 19, 2007 1:29 am

alright time to kill ladies and gents i'm gonna convert all of you to my religion....jk :)

why did God decide to create earth in its entirety????? was he bored or something was he like "hey I have some spare time let me make planet"
and if God did create earth in 7 days why the hell is there lifeforms dating millions of years before humans even appeared???? more importantly why are there 7 more planets???

the survival of the fittest arguement about killing to be on top you're just using part of a theory to fit your argument survival of the fittest is a combination of strength, cunning, and straight up luck

and once again if the Bible is the absolute word of God then again why are there so many religions based off of one book where the hell in the bible does it say anything about bronze plates and if the Bible says Jesus is the son of God why are you going to go against the book you use as the outline of your life he wasn't a prophet he wasn't just another man he was the son of God

oh hohohohoho I have something to beat your "if we evolved from monkeys then why are there still monkeys?"
i'll put it to you this way
lets say we go out to plant trees you will plant only one kind of tree I will plant a mixed variety of trees one day a disease comes that is known to kill off the exact type of tree you planted you who planted one kind of tree will lose about 90 percent of the trees you planted while my rate is alot lower than yours 1 out of 2 at most

if you didnt' understand that one here is a better example why is it that the closer to the equator you get to the darker the people there???

even among monkeys there are different kinds of monkey's

anyways evolution has already been proven lol just not the theory of evolution i think a real question of evolution is why are humans the only intelligent beings on earth why hasn't there been another evolution as dramatic as us???


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Post Thu Jul 19, 2007 7:51 am

Yea of course there was religion before Jesus was born. And both adam and eve ate the fruit....eve wasn't the only one. And the reason there are so many religions is because people refuse to believe in God! Just because you would don't mean people way back when would. Especially in BC times. And when I said monkeys I meant the specific monkey they say we evolved from. I am pretty sure we didn't evolve from every single monkey there is, but there really isn't that much point in arguing over that. I said what I believe. That 2 tree thing was just pointless though lol. What in the world are you talking about? That has nothing to do with what I said. If we evolved from ONE kind of monkey then why is the exact same monkey we evolved from still here. I don't care about any other kind. And of course there will be different people around the world. But if we evolved from one monkey then why is the monkey we evolved from still here even though there were a good amount of them a long time ago and they all were exactly the same. They all have the same exact DNA, so wouldn't "naturally" they would evolve. Yet over the millions of years they are here they haven't even changed one bit yet we have grown so advance. So if say there were 5 monkeys, the exact same monkey. All 5 monkeys have the exact same DNA. And 3 evolve into highly complex humans that (ok say all 3 are white with the same hair color and stuff) that build buildings. Yet there is still the 2 monkeys that were the exact same as the ones that evolved yet after millions of years, while the poor monkeys are still here not changed at all. That's what your trying to say, which according to your own theorys is wrong. O well w/e thats my opinion. I just don't see the entire universe being an accident. I mean some solar systems are even in the shape of a cross. (The whirlwind galaxy, the "X" core of it is a cross). If you say that's a coincidence then you must be real numb as to the world around you.
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Post Thu Jul 19, 2007 11:31 am

Enough is enough!!!!!

I've had it with these motherf**kin snakes on this motherf**kin plane!!!!!

Still gets me everytime

lol I didn't know what you were getting at before but now I got you tree arguement isn't that good of an arguement here

light is today's winner for explaining evolution now i'll answer you question about the monkeys and it will make sense this time lol

humans and chimps took different paths of evolution end of story humans didn't evolve overnight and neither did chimps

research it we have a common ancestor that dates back to 7 million years ago obviously something happened 7 million years ago that drew the line between what would become humans and what would become chimps

actually thinking about evolution like that makes you wonder because humans can become a dead end or we can branch off even further

same with felines you have your common black cat and then you have the lion or the tiger both are considered felines but they aren't really the same

as for creationism I don't know what to say if you take it literal then its wrong but if you try to make it conform it doesn't really work either I think I'm going to like ask like my pastor or something after a little more reading up on the bible cause I only read revelations its like the best book in the whole thing


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Post Thu Jul 19, 2007 2:18 pm

We all know that in the beginning that there was nothing right?

so how can you say that there was a "Big Bang" caused the Earth to form out of an accident explosion, when
there shouldn't be anything? not even something to cause that.


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Post Thu Jul 19, 2007 5:18 pm

i didnt' say anything about a big bang thats garbage too


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Post Thu Jul 19, 2007 5:24 pm

The Big Bang is just another bunch of BULL that we have to learn in school.

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Post Thu Jul 19, 2007 5:35 pm

God really doesn't explain how it works either he said he created the heavens and earth and that it was empty and formless and dark. The bible says nothing about creating dinosaurs

also i just read this, this is after god found out about the fruit of knowledge

And the Lord God said, "The man has now become like one of us knowing good and evil."

If there is one God who is "us"????

also again when God created man

The God said "Let us make man in our likeness and in our image"

Once again who is "us and "our" why is the bible using pural possesive pronouns if there is "one" God???

I only have one bible so I really can't double check this someone gimme a hand

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