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Official Religion Debate Thread

What faith do you practice, or would most closely associate your beliefs with?

Agnosticism / Atheism
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I'm not sure
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Post Fri Apr 04, 2008 11:50 am



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Post Fri Apr 04, 2008 12:14 pm

farquezy wrote:wait so if you dont take "death" literally in the bible, THAN YOU SHOULDNT TAKE ANYTHING

because the bible clearly states what it says is the word of god AND ALL SHOULD FOLLOW IT!!
so your going against the word of your own god!! amazing, and you didnt answer me right
if you want to get to god why dont you kill yourself and get to him? simple questions!

AdventWolf wrote:
WIll you not admit that you where you said the Bible wants us to kill all non believers? I totally disproved that. You are the one that is offending people by calling them immature and attacking peoples beliefs
please quote ONE part where i called someone immature BEFORE THEY CALLED ME!!
yah i agree i did call people immature, but they called me immature first :)

and NO SERIAL KILLERS SHOULDNT GO LOSE, unless they are Charles Manson, because god told him to kill all those people he did with his followers!!!!

and out of all those things i posted, non of them involved hurting others or killing people. The real serial killer is god, and its in his book!!!
as i have proved many time!!

" Anyone arrogant enough to reject the verdict of the judge or of the priest who represents the LORD your God must be put to death. Such evil must be purged from Israel. (Deuteronomy 17:12 NLT)"
oh yah thats a VERY BIG OFFENSE!!! its just like being a serial killer, people should diffenetly be killed for that(sarcasm)

if we went by the word of the bible, billions of people would be killed, they did it in medieval times, and some even do it to this day

You know how in the Bible it used to speak of sacrificing? Well Jesus shed his blood on the cross so we don't have to sacrifice animals or anything. Same with 'death' in those passages. You aren't permanently damned for those sins anymore. So stop taking the death literal since it isn't compatible to todays times. You continue to make extreme judgments on God but you fail to prove why.

@DPM, I cannot prove that what all the Bible says is true, but I showed 'proofs'. What more do you want me to prove?
But I was saying that he thinks that all Christians are wrong, but yet he doesn't show proof.

BTW you guys hear about the Global Warming thing? It was all a lie and it has been proved wrong, there is no such thing as global warming. Al Gore got the peace prize for nothing.


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Post Fri Apr 04, 2008 12:25 pm

"You know how in the Bible it used to speak of sacrificing? Well Jesus shed his blood on the cross so we don't have to sacrifice animals or anything. Same with 'death' in those passages. You aren't permanently damned for those sins anymore. So stop taking the death literal since it isn't compatible to todays times. You continue to make extreme judgments on God but you fail to prove why."-ace
it used to talk about scacrificing??actually it still does from what i know!

Wait so why is everything in the bible compatible to todays times but the death stuff isnt?
isnt god's word holy and anyone who doesnt follow it is a sinner?

so i guess everyone except Charles Manson and his followers are going to hell, since they are the only ones who listened to the word of god. And i have proved it, i listed all the passages where you can see those, it clrearly states that the people must kill them!
Doest get more clear than "death"
It doesnt say punish, it says DEATH, so you are going to hell because you haven't killed any atheist, witches, people who hit their parents, gays, ect
It CLEARLY states in the bible, any who do not follow the word of god which is written in the bible go to hell!

i mean how much more clear does it get? you listen to everything in the bible except the parts you dont like yourself and try to deny that it means what it says.

You completely contradict yourself, first you say that we are supposed to follow the words of the bible, but now you saying that it doesnt mean what is says?


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Post Fri Apr 04, 2008 12:30 pm

farquezy wrote:"You know how in the Bible it used to speak of sacrificing? Well Jesus shed his blood on the cross so we don't have to sacrifice animals or anything. Same with 'death' in those passages. You aren't permanently damned for those sins anymore. So stop taking the death literal since it isn't compatible to todays times. You continue to make extreme judgments on God but you fail to prove why."-ace
it used to talk about scacrificing??actually it still does from what i know!

Wait so why is everything in the bible compatible to todays times but the death stuff isnt?
isnt god's word holy and anyone who doesnt follow it is a sinner?

so i guess everyone except Charles Manson and his followers are going to hell, since they are the only ones who listened to the word of god. And i have proved it, i listed all the passages where you can see those, it clrearly states that the people must kill them!
Doest get more clear than "death"
It doesnt say punish, it says DEATH, so you are going to hell because you haven't killed any atheist, witches, people who hit their parents, gays, ect
It CLEARLY states in the bible, any who do not follow the word of god which is written in the bible go to hell!

i mean how much more clear does it get? you listen to everything in the bible except the parts you dont like yourself and try to deny that it means what it says.

You completely contradict yourself, first you say that we are supposed to follow the words of the bible, but now you saying that it doesnt mean what is says?

I already told you why it isn't compatible, because it is from an old time in the Old Testament and Jesus shed his blood so the sins are easier forgiven. Thats what he did for you lol.
Charles Manson is going to hell, all he did is kill in 'the name of Jesus' when all he is is a killer that needed a gimmick. So no he is going to hell.

I already told you why death doesn't match, Jesus gave you a blessing by dying on the cross so the sins can be forgiven without death.
I am not contradicting myself, I never said in the first place that you should listen to the words of the Bible (I don't know where you got that from) But anyways you should. But if you actually read the Bible and understand it then you will understand that death is not the way it is intended now because Jesus died on the cross. You are blind because of hatred against Christians so you refuse to understand what I am saying.


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Post Fri Apr 04, 2008 12:44 pm

AdventWolf wrote:BTW you guys hear about the Global Warming thing? It was all a lie and it has been proved wrong, there is no such thing as global warming. Al Gore got the peace prize for nothing.

Why are the ice caps melting away then?


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Post Fri Apr 04, 2008 12:45 pm

I thought the same thing, but that was possibly because we were are a hot spell, now it is supposedly going on a cold spell.


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Post Fri Apr 04, 2008 1:05 pm

Farq, you are possibly as good with reading the bible as you are reading other peoples posts. Next time read who actually makes the posts...
I haven't posted lately, and its friday and I have a little time on my hands so why not.

Most of the things such as sacrificing, or God killin a group of people was before Jesus was born. The bible follows a sorta chronological backbone. First people sacrificed animals for their sins, then Jesus came as the ultimate sacrifice for their sins. Thus, no more need to kill animals. Same goes with most of the stuff I have read that you have stated. It seems you have taken most of the quotes or whatever out of context, same thing the devil did with Jesus. The bible (at least from what I understand) is supposed to be understood as a whole. Don't nitpick single verses or it won't make sense. I guess things were getting so out of hand that God had to kill all the peoples, just like Sadam and Gamora(sp???). I dunno know why he did. It isn't that some of the words in it isn't compatible, it's the fact that it is no longer needed. It even also says that in the bible. I'll have to read more of your posts though instead of the last couple.
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Post Fri Apr 04, 2008 1:39 pm

farquezy wrote:
BKFraiders7 wrote:No wonder no one likes to deal with Farquezy.....hes the ignorant one around here. He wont let anything go and if hes not right he seems he wants no one right.
wait so your saying we should kill people, coming from a GUY WHO SAYS DOUBLE POSTERS SHOULD DIE LMAO!!! CALLING ME IGNORANT!!!

i like how instead of responding to me and telling me why im wrong, you go on the defensive and say bad things about me, shows how ignorant you are :)
i havnt even said sh*t about you, shows how ignorant christians are, all they do is attack people personally when they are getting owned...

why dont you all just kill yourselves to get to god sooner? thats a better idea

BKF points...

1. That double posters die thing is a joke. = you take things to serious (and way out of context)
2. I said exactly what Ace, and Advent have said. =Your not reading what everyones been typing (exactly what weve already said)
3. You are a HUGE (biggest one iv seen) stereotyper. i say one thing about you being ignorant and you go off on how ignorant all Christians are. =Very Immature and Unaware
4.Us getting owned? How the heck do you come up with that. I bet if we went to a Christian site you would "get owned". =your not taking circumstances into consideration
5. Killing is a sin. Even if that means killing yourself. Why not spread the word of God before you die? So we can get people like you and the world saved.

Thats my 5 points.

And il take you up on that offer....Il go make a new post asking who all wants you gone. Since everyone can only post once it will be fair. (DPM, Staxx,Ace,Slick, the guy asked for im not doing anything wrong)
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Post Fri Apr 04, 2008 1:57 pm

New global warming thread!!!


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Post Fri Apr 04, 2008 2:27 pm

didnt read anything people had to say cause there are way too many posts, but in response to the original post

"But if the bible says thats what really happened then I believe it. How else could you explain the world around you? No ones been proven wrong, and never will be until they die or judgement day."

In my opinion believing something happened because the Bible said it is totally missing the point of the Bible. And by the way to make it clear first I do NOT believe in God, gods, higher powers and also do not believe there to be an afterlife.

anyway, the point of the stories in the Bible are not to be taken literally to have happened, they are stories which emphasize ethical living and living a moral life, the stories are used to show people a guide for living a 'good' life. The problem with the Bible though is that many people who follow its teachings do so blindly and take it as a definitive guideline and believe that 'God' himself wrote it as to how you should act on Earth. But the Bible was written by men, men the same as you or I, not God.

and not to mention that Christianity lives on today because of some pretty unmoral acts with the murders of millions of people to keep Christianity alive and a thriving religious force. (if you don't agree with that read some history books)

The only agreement with the original question is that its not possible to prove either right or wrong, we'll see what happens when we die, but regardless i think its sad that people have to use a thing like God in order to feel secure in their life


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Post Fri Apr 04, 2008 2:29 pm

whatever im done with this thread...

basically what your saying is that we shouldnt follow the bible, i dont care jesus died, the bible clearly states we have to kill people, im sorry your to blind to see that

your just making excuses because the thought of a god who kills people is not normal for you, its uncomfrotable for you to think that your god is a evil person, so you make up irrational responses for him instead of going " wow, the book that is thought to children and millions of people tells use to kill people, what an evil book"

instead you try to deny it because you dont want to think that bible says we should kill people, you just want to be in your happy place thinking your god loves you


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Post Fri Apr 04, 2008 5:29 pm

farquezy wrote:whatever im done with this thread...

basically what your saying is that we shouldnt follow the bible, i dont care jesus died, the bible clearly states we have to kill people, im sorry your to blind to see that

your just making excuses because the thought of a god who kills people is not normal for you, its uncomfrotable for you to think that your god is a evil person, so you make up irrational responses for him instead of going " wow, the book that is thought to children and millions of people tells use to kill people, what an evil book"

instead you try to deny it because you dont want to think that bible says we should kill people, you just want to be in your happy place thinking your god loves you

Wow you really don't get it. I am not blind lol can you not see my response to your point? The Death spoken about in the Old testament doesn't apply to modern times, just like sacrificing, We were blessed with that. I do not feel insecure or anything lol, I never have. Just because you think you know everything and are the sh** and whatever you believe in is true, doesn't mean that people have to live with your mindless ranting against Christians and their beliefs.


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Post Fri Apr 04, 2008 8:29 pm

Yea, that last post by farq was really, really ignorant. We already told you, that you take quotes out of context, you don't read what is around the words. Maybe you should actually read the bible in its entirety (not the entire thing, but read more then just random quotes, that make you believe what you want to believe), instead of insisting that everyone who doesn't agree with you is wrong. Were not denying anything, and I am also secure in my faith. I believe you are in denial my friend.
It's not the religion that causes wars, it's the men who use religion as a means to control people that do.
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Post Sat Apr 05, 2008 2:43 pm

"According to the terms of the law which they teach you, and according to the verdict which they tell you, you shall do; you shall not turn aside from the word which they declare to you, to the right or the left-deuteronomy-17-11

Anyone arrogant enough to reject the verdict of the judge or of the priest who represents the LORD your God must be put to death. Such evil must be purged from Israel. (Deuteronomy 17:12 NLT)

Then everyone will hear about it and be afraid to act so arrogantly. Deuteronomy 17:13 NLT

that is taking quotes out of context....(sarcasm)
which quotes did i take out of context? i have checked all these quotes myself, i know what they say before and after it
I actually read the whole bible, unlike you :)

trust me i have read much of the bible, from when i was a christain to now.


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Post Sat Apr 05, 2008 2:45 pm

I can read up on those later but I am busy atm. Just to let you know, you have taken stuff out of context before.

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