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Ron Paul



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Post Mon Aug 22, 2011 7:06 am

Re: Ron Paul

Well crait I'm not sure why you wanted to try and start an argument anyways, and I'm not sure if you are just that bad at reading charts. The sources you listed for teen pregnancy didn't list Texas as #1, the first one clearly listed it as #5... and judging by the color codes on the map it seems a majority of the states that are at the top of the list are in very close to Texas. I know it's quite high (as well as it's total population) but so are the surrounding states as well, just try to be more accurate next time you throw out statistics.

And obviously Paul didn't say it directly that he supports those things but when he was asked directly whether he thought heroin & prostitution should be legalized he quickly diverted away from the question and went straight to religious freedom. He was then asked again whether he thinks heroin and prostitution are an exercise of liberty, and said yes, if he leaves it up to the states then it'll be up to the states. He never said that he thought heroin or prostitution was wrong, and was just trying to divert away from the question, and then attacked the man that asked the question. I'm certainly not a psychology major but I wouldn't put too much trust into his answer because he couldn't directly answer the question, and instead tried to veer away from the question.

And also he obviously strongly believes in freedom, and that was the idea behind what you quoted from my post. Of course it's everyone's right to have sex, so how can you consider it such a bad thing for teenage girls to get pregnant? So if they can't afford the baby then they shouldn't be allowed to get pregnant? I was simply getting at how can you consider the things you listed such bad things when you clearly like Ron Paul who strongly believes in liberty.
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Post Mon Aug 22, 2011 9:13 am

Re: Ron Paul

ace wrote:Well crait I'm not sure why you wanted to try and start an argument anyways, and I'm not sure if you are just that bad at reading charts. The sources you listed for teen pregnancy didn't list Texas as #1, the first one clearly listed it as #5... and judging by the color codes on the map it seems a majority of the states that are at the top of the list are in very close to Texas. I know it's quite high (as well as it's total population) but so are the surrounding states as well, just try to be more accurate next time you throw out statistics.

I'm not wanting an 'argument,' I truly want to find out what people see in Rick Perry and what they dislike in Ron Paul. Okay, and for the statistics things... I said it was #5 based on some data:
crait wrote:Some show it's #5.

I meant to show you a range because there is no one single piece of data that is 100% reliable. But still, Texas is #1, and appropriately proven, by the links I showed you for the other things like STD rates, uninsured children, etc. You can't dismiss those, either. They are associated with the standard of living. I do not want the country's standard of living to plummet like it did with Rick Perry, where he puts corporations in from of civilians.

ace wrote:And obviously Paul didn't say it directly that he supports those things but when he was asked directly whether he thought heroin & prostitution should be legalized he quickly diverted away from the question and went straight to religious freedom. He was then asked again whether he thinks heroin and prostitution are an exercise of liberty, and said yes, if he leaves it up to the states then it'll be up to the states. He never said that he thought heroin or prostitution was wrong, and was just trying to divert away from the question, and then attacked the man that asked the question. I'm certainly not a psychology major but I wouldn't put too much trust into his answer because he couldn't directly answer the question, and instead tried to veer away from the question.

Hmm... Can you link me to that? I thought you were talking about whenever he was in the first GOD presidential-candidate debate that was hosted by Fox where he specifically answers the question without bringing up religious freedom. I can link you to the video. It's not a cop-out to not state his opinion on the drugs. It's not a cop-out for him to mention that he has no power over them and therefore it wouldn't matter if he wants them legal or not. If I were president, it wouldn't matter if I wanted them legal or not, also, because it's up to the states. That's the point I've always seen him go to when asked about federal drug laws.

ace wrote:And also he obviously strongly believes in freedom, and that was the idea behind what you quoted from my post. Of course it's everyone's right to have sex, so how can you consider it such a bad thing for teenage girls to get pregnant? So if they can't afford the baby then they shouldn't be allowed to get pregnant? I was simply getting at how can you consider the things you listed such bad things when you clearly like Ron Paul who strongly believes in liberty.

Well, like I stated earlier, it's a direct correlation to GDP and standard of living. Whenever you have more and more poor people, you tend to have more and more teenage pregnancies. It's their right to do it if they want. I'm not against it. I'm using those statistics to show you that Texas has a bad standard of living.


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Post Mon Aug 22, 2011 10:03 am

Re: Ron Paul



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Post Mon Aug 22, 2011 11:42 am

Re: Ron Paul

AdventWolf wrote:

Poor Paul getting ignored.

Big businesses don't want him to be recognized on television. Sad.


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Post Mon Aug 22, 2011 1:52 pm

Re: Ron Paul

Well when you said according to your sources I figured you'd post your sources. I don't need more sources to prove my point lol. And there is just as many studies that show Texas isn't #1 for STDs and such. Although now that I think about it what exactly is a governor supposed to do about STD's? Make more safe sex commercials? And isn't healthcare more of a federal issue? Like with obamacare and all that.
And yes I was talking about that video.
Here I will write down what he says:
Ron Paul wrote:Well, they they will if they understand my defense of liberty is the defense of their right to practice their religion and say their prayers where they want and practice their life but if, if you do not protect liberty across the board it's a first amendment type of issue. We don't have a first amendment so so we can talk about the weather, we have the first amendment so we can say very controversial things. So for people to say that uh yes we have our religious beliefs protected but people who want to follow something else or controversial religion you can't do this if you have the inconsistency then your really not defending liberty but they're strict rules on freedom of choice of this sort because you can't hurt other people, you can't defame other people, but yes you have a right to do things that are very controversial, if not your gona end up with government telling us what we can eat, and drink, and whatever. You know it's amazing that we want freedom to pick the future. You know our our our future in a spiritual way but not when it comes to our personal habits.

You can listen to the rest. I do like some of the things he says, but I certainly don't agree with his intense views of liberty. Actually I'll just let you read this article that puts it for the most part better than I'd ever be able to: ... story.html
You can say that you have to protect liberty across the board but realistically I don't think you can. In the real world they're plenty of people that will take every advantage of complete liberty. Maybe if he didn't believe in such intense liberty I'd like him a lot more, but you have to be realistic.
It's not the religion that causes wars, it's the men who use religion as a means to control people that do.
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Post Mon Aug 22, 2011 3:06 pm

Re: Ron Paul

Now now ladies, play nice...


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Post Mon Aug 22, 2011 7:46 pm

Re: Ron Paul

Ace, he references freedom of religion but you apply that to everything he says. What he gave was an example what liberty should be and because we have freedom of religion, it was easy for you to apply religion to the entire description. That same description needs to be applied to drugs and hookers, like Ron Paul said whenever he was asked to clarify his statement. The federal government does not have the right to tell us who we can marry. Check out Loving v. Virginia. This case formed around the argument that blacks could marry whites. It was controversial, but whites could marry blacks because the federal government could not makes laws against it. Only states could if they pleased. You cannot say you stand up for liberty whenever you agree with the norm. You need to stand up for liberty across the board, and that's what Ron Paul has always stated. This should never be compromised. Even before I learned of Ron Paul, which was a long, long time ago, I held this belief.

Why do poorer people have more children? Because they tend to have more sex than richer people and even the factor of not affording contraceptives plays a role. Having sex is something that poor people can do for free while richer people can do other things that they use their money on. You have a television and PS3? Play games. You don't have anything in your house? Masturbate. This is a simple truth. The more people have sex and the unhealthier they are, the easier it is for STD's to spread. This is another simple truth. Transitively speaking, you can see how well financially and health-wise people are doing by looking at STD rates. I wasn't saying Rick Perry was supposed to stop them. I was saying that it is a trend reflective upon the economy and the standard of living. Guess who's a bigger player in determining those things? People with power. Looking at how bad Texas is doing in a lot of areas, would you say that Rick Perry, a man with the most power here, is helping the economy and well being of our people? I would say not. That's why I won't vote for him. He'd do the same thing to the US as Texas. Texas is going to have a lot of exporting no matter what happens. Rick Perry cannot take credit for that and he certainly cannot take credit for that without taking credit for the drop in standard of living. That's just counter productive and plain ignorant.

And did you happen to watch the video I posted about how Rick Perry accepts money from big companies and helps create and pass laws that directly help those companies out at the expense of our state and country? There are so many times when he's done this that it's uncalled for. The reason he keeps being elected is because these big companies keep paying him millions and no one can raise the funds to compete. Not like a Democrat would ever be elected in Texas or anything....


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Post Mon Aug 22, 2011 8:52 pm

Re: Ron Paul

And just to add onto my point... Bachman would make porn illegal if she were president. What would give her that power? Nothing. She can't do that if she's president because that's not her job.

Now, if you agree with that, you must also agree with that same thing except replacing the word "porn" with "gay marriage," "heroine," "beer," or anything else that may be controversial.


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Post Tue Aug 23, 2011 10:54 am

Re: Ron Paul

I dont trust any of these people and their outside agendas. I should just run.


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Post Tue Aug 23, 2011 11:14 am

Re: Ron Paul

Well see that's where I disagree with Ron Paul. It's impossible to stand up for liberty across the board, nothing is black and white in that context. There is a lot more to it than just trusting that if people were given complete freedom that they wouldn't hurt other people. Religion and harmful drugs are two completely different things. I'm sorry but I don't live in lalaland.

And I'm letting you know why I won't be voting for Ron Paul, not why I'd rather vote for Perry. To be honest I don't know who I want to vote for yet because I haven't done the necessary research, I only knew of Perry's background which I liked a lot. But One thing I know for certain is that I won't be voting for Ron Paul now after learning about his extreme view of liberty. Although I will say that I think your generalization is absurd that poor people have more sex than rich people. Maybe you jack off when your bored, but I'm fairly certain sex is just a natural human instinct, just look at all the rich congressmen that get caught with mistresses.

On the subject of Texas's well being though since your so hung on that, why is Texas rated #3 in the best state to make a living? ... living.htm
It also had two cities in the nations top 10 cities with highest income: ... al-incomes
Another interesting article to read about texas' wage increase and such: ... rc=HPLNews

I have yet to watch your video though, but is it about his franchise tax law? I'm sure there is plenty of negative things that has been dug up about him just like any other president, so I'll have to do more research on Rick Perry. Although currently I say monkey for pres. Fasho.

I forgot to mention there is a seller from texas on gunbroker selling cheap AR-15 uppers, so I officially <3 Texas!
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Post Tue Aug 23, 2011 9:00 pm

Re: Ron Paul

Texas also accounts for 20% of jobs created in the US for this past month. Now, tell me this. Should he take credit for that? Jobs would have been mad whether or not he was governor. It seems like everyone wants to attribute good things to him without first realizing that he has done nothing to deserve this praise. He didn't do anything to create jobs. He gave pay breaks to oil companies. People say that that creates jobs but we know it's because they pay him to make legislation that helps them.
Seriously, watch the video. He's very corrupt. I understand your views are wishy washy right now and you're trying to see things and take into account everything to decide who you'd vote for, so that's why I'm trying to get the word out. You can look online and see people's records. You can see that Perry has consistently taken cash from corporations for himself so that he would be slanted in his decision making. Look at Ron Paul's history. He has never voted to increase taxes and has always voted against illegally invading other countries like we've done so many times. (Not directly voting to entering, but in terms of supportive policy.)
You say that, "It's impossible to stand up for liberty across the board" but Ron Paul has done it and will continue to do it. It is about liberty but it's also about using the power you have and not going overboard. There are certain powers the president is granted and it seems like every president oversteps things and tries to get away with too much. Ron Paul absolutely hates that and stopping people from using powers that aren't there is the perfect way to protect our liberties.

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Post Wed Aug 24, 2011 3:55 am

Re: Ron Paul

monkeymaximus wrote:I dont trust any of these people and their outside agendas. I should just run.

Isn't being the Brew's President enough? :P
-Formerly DCM

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Post Wed Aug 24, 2011 7:18 am

Re: Ron Paul

Notice how I never attributed any of that to Perry... I was simply listing those in response to your suggestion that Texas has one of the worst standards of living yet it is one of the best states to make a living.
crait wrote:Well, like I stated earlier, it's a direct correlation to GDP and standard of living. Whenever you have more and more poor people, you tend to have more and more teenage pregnancies. It's their right to do it if they want. I'm not against it. I'm using those statistics to show you that Texas has a bad standard of living.

Actually Texas has the 2nd largest economy in the nation and 15th in the world based on GDP.
Also it seems Texas has a rather low cost of living to me, and lower housing would be better right? Maybe you can find some conflicting information on the standard of living... ... iving.html

And we've about beat the whole liberty thing to death, my previous statement about it still stands.
It's not the religion that causes wars, it's the men who use religion as a means to control people that do.
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Post Wed Aug 24, 2011 7:29 am

Re: Ron Paul

i dont follow politics period. this is how deep my distrust of politicians runs my little brother has said that once he gets out of the Air Force he is gonna go to law school and then get into politics i told him flat out. "if you do don't expect me to vote for you. i love you dearly but i hate politicians and politics more so unless you run on a platform i'll throw my weight behind fully don't expect my vote." and this is my flesh and blood i'm telling this to


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Post Wed Aug 24, 2011 11:40 am

Re: Ron Paul

Well if you guys don't want to be owned by China, then I suggest you do something. Lol

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